Hardware lifecycle management costs are skyrocketing, and logistics are posing a real challenge for technology providers.
Now is the perfect time to consider MHE’s Managed Services!
While these may not be the only motives behind launching the program, they sure were a strong enough for our team to get back to the drawing board with what we’re offering as a business. MHE has been planning for the past year to present the offering in the simplest and most intuitive form known globally so far. But with some localizing, the MSP (Managed Service Provider) program designed by our finest engineers will make a lot of sense for small to medium businesses in the EMEA region.
2022 was a slow year for most IT businesses worldwide, our team saw an opportunity to reimagine MHE’s service level, especially with lead times from major hardware providers crossing the 400-day window. Our scope covers everything from design to troubleshooting. This year, we decided to continue providing the same scope, but with a cloud-first approach. IT and Security trends are consistently moving towards the cloud, and we’ve swiftly moved with them to provide our clients with cutting edge tools that will assist them with clearer metrics and easier operation with centralized management tools that could be accessed by the designated personnel only from anywhere.
How will relying on MHE’s MSP tools help you optimize your operations in 2023?
MHE’s MSP program is a perfect fit for a lot of lean organizations that are offloading their resources, either by limiting the procurement of expensive hardware, or limiting the size of their technology teams to invest in higher rewarding assets or simply to save the investment for a rainy day. As a business owner/officer, knowing that you can achieve the same results for cyber protection, enterprise networking and endpoint management with soft assets, on subscription basis makes your rethink the way you could do IT within your organization.
MHE’s MSP program covers a wide scope of tools that will help you as an officer keep a proactive eye on your organization’s endpoints, critical data warehouses and online-facing applications where most threats come from.
Securing the Cloud is the foundation, not the extra-mile.

Cybersecurity now happens on a wide array of dimensions. It starts with the physical security of your valuable hardware (which could now be throttled to a minimum, thanks to strong IaaS services available through MHE’s MSP program) all the way to monitoring and remediating the behavior of your ever-so-trusting team-members who wouldn’t mind clicking a phishing link and happily forward it to 20 other users to get candy crush credit.
WAFaaS is a particularly strong tool for keeping a proactive monitor on your critical datapoints where users are prompted to type in free text or upload files to your servers, better known as APIs. WAFaaS is one of many tools available through MHE’s MSP-cybersecurity program for helping your online-facing traffic, Web Applications and cloud native codes. The service is available on subscription basis, and helps your organization better manage its IT needs at a fraction of the running cost. You can get in touch with MHE’s team to get a free assessment on your environment if your organization is considering a Security Services Provider in 2023!
Threats vector outdated applications, not necessarily trusting users only.
While most modern organizations develop their proprietary codes for Web Applications and could feel more confident about the tools they are already using, a large number still relies on third party software for communication and text editing to say the least. Slack, Microsoft 365 products, Zoom and Google for Business have been widely adopted by a huge number of organizations since the beginning of the COVID outbreak that affected markets worldwide and influenced the way everyone is doing business.
Hence, securing the remote workforce has been on the top 10 cybersecurity trends of 2022. See MHE’s blog post for more information regarding other rising cybersecurity trends.
Remote Monitoring and Support. Proactive, up-to-date, and boundless!
Securing your remote workforce with a VPN client that encrypts the traffic exchange is all good, but not enough when done alone with a VPN agent. You need a high level of team-members’ awareness to be able to spot clever phishing e-mails or human-like bot behavior that caused major leaks for top organizations in 2022. An EDR solution that analyses a criminal behavior before it has access to your critical assets and data could only happen when you monitor your data-mesh boundlessly. It is safe to say that in the upcoming few years, we will see major changes in cybersecurity approaches that are now surely moving towards a decentralized approach, as opposed to the gateway police approach that relied on storing everything critical on-premises. Simply because now an attacker can simply vector one of your team-members’ applications that has not been updated with the latest security patch. So, you now, as an administrator or a security officer need to prompt your entire organization to keep their software and applications up to date, always, and constantly. Sounds impractical, right? Not with MHE’s Remote Monitoring and Management tools.
Once the RMM tools are set-up, our bots will run scans to check the software patches, updates and installs that follow/unfollow your security policies. You can then ask MHE’s specialized support agents to instate your policies organization-wide in no time. And it doesn’t stop there, we can also automate repetitive tasks (app installs, patching, maintenance) to standardize outcomes, and improve device stability.
Ready to consider a cloud-first approach?

Remote management and cloud security services are not everything MHE offers through the MSP program. We have designed our tools with the User Experience being the top, front, and center of our focus. You can book a session with one of our team members to get a better understanding about the offering and the customization options that fit your organization’s needs.